Spiritual Care Program

Our Spiritual Care Program was launched in January 2023, and for the last eight months it has proved to be a tremendously positive resource for residents of Celia’s House and their families. This program has made it possible for Celia’s House to have an on-site Chaplain who spends one-on-one time with our residents and their visitors. Our Spiritual Care Program is not a religious program, but acknowledges and respects all practices, including those who do not have a religious or spiritual practice. There is a focus on comfort-care and addressing the various challenges and emotions experienced at the end of life.

There are 16 trained Spiritual Care Volunteers who spend time with our residents and offer optional comforting therapies. Our Chaplain, Rev. Mary Piper, connects residents & their families to various resources throughout our community, and there are diverse items from various cultures and religions available to anyone.

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